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September 17, 2006



Yeah but the doc was so slanted, interviewing only those preachers wearing the biggest bible belts, or with a degree in liberation theology & the gnostic gospels.

The coverage of the Rapture was so limited. There is some great theology on rapture out there, and how the belief on the return of the jewish messiah is connected with the various feasts and celebrations of israel.

Not all Christians who hold to an end time belief are as limited as the documentary portrayed. It's a shame.


From America... we say sorry. Some people here are trying to reclaim the Scripture as means of conversation but it is difficult because, as you have noticed, the church is in a drastically unhealthy place. So much so, that some those who are trying to help this beautiful mistake of a body are meeting much resistance (and in my case I got fired... bummer). But we are trying... pray for the church in america as we try to make our self kingdom politic... that can worship God.

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