I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Baptist Assembly. My first ever visit. It was good to see people. I was able to meet and talk with Paul Fiddes and Anthony Clarke. I heard David Coffey give the 2006 George Beasley Murray Lecture, on 'A Missionary Union: Past, Present and Future'. I also heard Ian Stackhouse, who wrote the excellent The Gospel-Driven Church, which he denied was anything to do with the Purpose-Driven stuff, although he is critiquing that kind of material. I was part of a seminar called 'Transitions', which wasn't very well attended, but we had a good discussion. I may go next year. I got some more books cheap: Baptism and the Baptists: Theology and Practice in Twentieth-Century Britain by Anthony Cross (2000, Paternoster) and Flickering Images: Theology and Film in Dialogue, edited by Paul Fiddes and Anthony Clarke (2005, Smyth and Helwys).