Douglas Campbell is Professor of New Testament at Duke University (2014-). Before coming to Duke in 2003, he was formerly lecturer in New Testament at King's College London (1996-2003). His doctorate was supervised by Richard Longenecker and published as The Rhetoric of Righteousness.
Campbell’s main research interests comprise the life and thought (i.e. theology and its development) of Paul with particular reference to soteriological models rooted in apocalyptic as against justification or salvation-history.
See his website.
___ The Rhetoric of Righteousness in Romans 3:21-26 (JSOT Press, 1992)
___ 'The Meaning of PISTIS and NOMOS in Paul: A Linguistic and Structural Investigation'. Journal of Biblical Literature 111 (1992) 85-97.
___ 'Reconciliation "in Christ" according to Ephesians', in H. Regan and A. J. Torrance (eds.) Christ and Context (T & T Clark, 1993) pp.160-177.
___ ‘Rom. 1:17 – A Crux Interpretum for the Pistis Christou debate’. Journal of Biblical Literature 113 (1994) 265-85.
___ 'Determining the Gospel through Rhetorical Analysis in Paul’s letter to the Roman Christians’. In Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker, JSNTS 108. Eds. G. P. Richardson and L. Ann Jervis (Sheffield Academic Press, 1994), 315-36.
___ 'The Atonement in Paul'. The Anvil 11 (1994), 237-50.
___ ‘A Rhetorical Suggestion Concerning Romans 2’. In Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers edited by E. Lovering. (Scholars Press, 1995), 140-64.
___ ‘The fractured witness’ in Trebilco, P. J (ed.), Considering Orthodoxy: Foundations for Faith Today, (Colcom Press, 1996), 63-68.
___ 'Unravelling Colossians 3:11b', New Testament Studies 42 (1996) 120-132.
___ (ed.) The Call to Serve: Essays on Ministry in Honour of Bishop Penny Jamieson, (Sheffield Academic Press, 1996)
___ 'Introduction: The Call to Serve Dunedin: An Account of the Appointment of Bishop Penny Jamieson', 15-31 and 'A Reformational Slogan on Ministry and Paul's Gospel of Grace', 51-72 in Douglas Campbell (ed.), The Call to Serve (Sheffield Academic Press, 1996)
___ 'False Presuppositions in the PISTIS CHRISTOU Debate (A Response to Brian Dodd)', Journal of Biblical Literature116 (1997) 713-719.
___ 'The Scythian Perspective in Col 3.11: a response to Troy Martin'. Novum Testamentum 39.1 (1997) 81-84.
___ ‘The DIATHKH from Durham: Professor Dunn’s The Theology of Paul the Apostle’, in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 72 (1998) 91-111.
___ ‘Natural Theology in Paul? Reading Romans 1:19-20’ in International Journal of Systematic Theology 1:3 (1999) 231-252.
___ 'Paul in Pamphylia (Acts 13.13-14a, 14.24b-26): A Critical Note', New Testament Studies 46 (2000) 1-8.
___ 'Some thoughts on the apostle Paul and ethics.' In Murray Rae and Graham Redding (eds.), More Than a Single Issue: theological considerations concerning the ordination of practising homosexuals(Openbook, 2000) 77-94.
___ 'An Anchor for Pauline Chronology: Paul's flight from "The Ethnarch of King Aretas" (2 Cor 11:32-33)', Journal of Biblical Literature 121.2 (2002) 279-302.
___ 'The Story of Jesus in Romans and Galatians’ in Bruce W. Longenecker (ed.), Narrative Dynamics in Paul: A Critical Assessment (Westminster John Knox, 2002) 97-124.
___ ‘Towards a New, Rhetorically Assisted Reading of Romans 3:27-4:25’ in Stanley E. Porter and Dennis L. Stamp (eds.), Rhetorical Criticism and the Bible (JSOT Press, 2002), 355-402
___ 'Review: Troels Engberg-Pedersen, Paul and the Stoics', International Journal of Systematic Theology 4.3 (2002) 338-346.
___ 'Apostolic Competition at Corinth?': A Review Essay of Michael Goulder's Paul and the Competing Mission at Corinth', Journal of Beliefs and Values, 23.2 (2002) 229-231.
___ ‘Reconciliation in Paul: The Gospel of Negation and Transcendence in Galatians 3:28’ in Colin Gunton (ed.), The Theology of Reconciliation (T & T Clark, 2003) pp. 39-66.
___ (ed.) Gospel and Gender: A Trinitarian Engagement with being Male and Female in Christ (T & T Clark, 2003)
___ 'The Logic of Eschatology: The Implications of Paul's Gospel for Gender as Suggested by Galatians 3.28a in Context' in Douglas Campbell (ed.), Gospel and Gender (T & T Clark, 2003) pp. 58-83.
___ 'Review: Markus Bockmuehl, Jewish Law in Gentile Churches: Halakhah and the Beginning of Christian Public Ethics', International Journal of Systematic Theology 5.1 (March 2003), 110-14
___ 'Response: "Quasi-Lutheran" Considerations' in Khiok-Khng Yeo (ed.), Navigating Romans through cultures (Continuum, 2004)
___ The Quest for Paul's Gospel: A Suggested Strategy (T & T Clark, 2005)
___ 'Inscriptional attestation to Sergius Paullus (Acts 13.6-12) and the implications for Pauline chronology' Journal of Theological Studies 56 (2005) 1-29.
___ 'An Evangelical Paul: A Response to Francis Watson's Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith', Journal for the Study of the New Testament 28.3 (2006) 337-51.
___ 'Review: Jouette M. Bassler, Navigating Paul: An Introduction to Key Theological Concepts', Theology Today 65.2 (July 2008)
___ 'An Echo of Scripture in Paul, and Its Implications' in J. Ross Wagner et al (eds.), The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology in Honor of Richard B. Hays, , (Eerdmans, 2008)
___'The Meaning of dikaiosne Theou in Romans: An Intertextual Suggestion' in S. Porter and C. D. Stanley (eds.), As It is Written: Studying Paul's Use of Scripture (Brill, 2008)
___ 'Review: Simon J. Gathercole, Where Is Boasting? Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul's Response in Romans 1-5', Scottish Journal of Theology 62 (2009), 100-104
___ '2 Corinthians 4:13: Evidence in Paul That Christ Believes', Journal of Biblical Literature 128.2 (2009), pp.337-56
___ The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul (Eerdmans, 2009)
___ 'The Faithfulness of Jesus Christ in Romans 3.22' in Michael Bird and Preston Sprinkle (eds.), The Faith of Jesus Christ: Exegetical, Biblical and Theological Studies (Paternoster, 2009)
___ 'Galatians 5.11: Evidence of an Early Law-observant Mission by Paul?', New Testament Studies 57.3 (2011), 325-47
___ 'What Is at Stake in the Reading of Romans 1–3? An Elliptical Response to the Concerns of Gorman and Tilling', Journal for the Study of Paul and his Letters 1.1 (Spring 2011)
___ 'An Attempt to be Understood: A Response to the Concerns of Matlock and Macaskill with The Deliverance of God', Journal for the Study of the New Testament 34.2 (December 2011)
___ 'Beyond Justification in Paul: The Thesis of The Deliverance of God', Scottish Journal of Theology 65.1 (February 2012)
___ 'An Apocalyptic Rereading of “Justification” in Paul: Or, an overview of the argument of Douglas Campbell’s The Deliverance of God', Expository Times 123.8 (May 2012)
___ 'Is Tom Right? An Extended Review of N. T. Wright's Justification: God's Plan and Paul's Vision', Scottish Journal of Theology 65.3 (2012)
___ 'Christ and the Church in Paul: A "Post-New Perspective" Account' in Michael Bird (ed.), Four Views on the Apostle Paul (Zondervan, 2012)
___ 'Paul's Apocalyptic Politics', Pro Ecclesia 22.2 (2013)
___ Framing Paul: An Epistolary Biography (Eerdmans, 2014).
___ 'The Current Crisis: The Capture of Paul's Gospel by Methodological Arianism' in Chris Tilling (ed.), Beyond Old and New Perspectives on Paul (Cascade, 2014)
___ 'Participation and Faith in Paul' in Michael J. Thate, Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Constantine R. Campbell (eds.), “In Christ” in Paul: Explorations in Paul's Theology of Union and Participation (Mohr Siebeck, 2014 / Eerdmans, 2018)
___ 'N. T. Wright and the Lutheran-ness of Paul', Marginalia: LA Review of Books (2015)
___ 'Apocalyptic Epistemology' in Ben Blackwell et al (eds.), Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination (Fortress, 2016)
___ 'Panoramic Lutheranism and apocalyptic ambivalence: an appreciative critique of N. T. Wright's Paul and the Faithfulness of God', Scottish Journal of Theology 69.4 (2016)
___ Paul: An Apostle's Journey (Eerdmans, 2018)
___ 'Mass Incarceration: Pauline Problems and Pauline Solutions', Interpretation 72.3 (2018)
___ 'Paul the Peacemaker and the Ministry of Restorative Justice' in Presian R. Burroughs (ed.), Practicing with Paul: Reflections on Paul and the Practices of Ministry in Honor of Susan G. Eastman (Cascade, 2018)
___ 'Romans and the Apocalyptic Reading of Paul' in Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica (eds.), Preaching Romans: Four Perspectives (Eerdmans, 2019)
___ Pauline Dogmatics: The Triumph of God's Love (Eerdmans, 2020)
___ 'Philippians and Philemon' in Bruce Longenecker (ed.), The New Cambridge Companion to St. Paul (Cambridge, 2020)
___ 'Paul's Future Eschtology: His Notion of Resurrection' in Talking God in Society: Multidisciplinary (Re)Constructions of Ancient (Con)texts. Festschrift for Peter Lampe (2021)
___ 'The Future of New Testament Theology, or, What Should Devout Modern Bible Scholarship Look Like?', Religions (2021)
___ 'The Provenance of Philippians: A Response to the Analyses of Michael Flexsenhar, Heike Omerzu, Angela Standhartinger and Cédric Brélaz', Journal for the Study of the New Testament 43.4 (2021)
___ 'Chronology' in T & T Clark Handbook to the Historical Paul (T & T Clark, 2022)
Thanks Andy for this bibliography. It's been interesting to follow something of Douglas' academic journey from his beginnings in New Zealand. His parents used to go to the church of an Anglican priest friend of mine. Peace to you.
Posted by: Paul Fromont | March 30, 2006 at 07:40 PM
Wow! I'd be interested to hear some more of how you see his journey has gone. Douglas' theology of Paul, along with Colin Gunton's doctrine of the Trinity and Stanley Hauerwas' theological ethics are probably the 3 biggest shapers of my theology. I'm not sure if they all fit together (at last not all the time!)
Posted by: andy goodliff | March 31, 2006 at 01:12 PM