Hopeful amphibian has suggested we all subscribe to Third Way magazine and I'm definitely thinking about it (I used to read it via a friend). I was wondering what (if any) journals or magazines other people subscribe to. I currently get a new journal called Cultural Encounters, which is described as a journal for the theology of culture. This is its first year, but looks good. I also get the the Journal for Youth and Theology, which is the journal for the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry (IASYM for short). This can be some what of a mixed bag, but does occassionally have some good papers. I also get RE Today, which has a good selection of articles and lesson ideas, and also Empire, because I like movies.
From my university days I still keep track on the International Journal of Systematic Theology, New Testament Studies, Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal for the Study of the New Testament and more recently the British Journal of Religious Education.
I'm interested in subscribing to (and perhaps even contributing to) Ministry Today.
don't subscribe to anything - it's too expensive!
Posted by: Brodie | August 23, 2005 at 12:54 PM