I'm doing some work this afternoon on an alt.worship service I'm doing this sunday at bunyan. I get asked to do them ever once a while (click here and here for a previous service I've done). This time I'm planning a simple, but hopefully meaningful service, on the psalms. Borrowing Brueggeman's typology of psalms - of orientation, - of disorientation, and - of new orientation, we'll explore some of the breadth of Israel's speech to God through readings, music, visuals and embodied reflection.
Brueggeman says this:
'... the church has continued to sing songs of orientation in a world increasingly experienced as disoriented; do we sing them in bold defiance to disorder … or does this reflect that we do not want to acknowledge or experience the disorientation of life?'
Our worship is almost devoid of lament, we don't know how to express our pain publically to God; we only sing happy songs to God.
6.30pm. Bunyan Baptist, Basils Road, Stevenage.
Andy, sorry about those empty docs on this...I'm not sure where the content disappeared to?? I tried to find it again but with no joy. Again, sorry! I hope this goes well.
Posted by: si | March 22, 2005 at 03:40 PM
No worries Si. Thanks for trying. We did on Sunday and it was cool. people found it helpful and meaningful.
On another note, I was bit stunned by your news - be praying that you discover what God's got in store for you next.
Posted by: andy goodliff | March 22, 2005 at 10:22 PM