A quick post because I've not been on for a week. LIfe is a bit manic with the last few days of school term and my involvement in things during holy week. Psalm Life service happened on Sunday and went well - people found it helpful - I'll blog so more details later. I've got 2 lessons left before easter holidays start. I have 2 services left before I have a few days off in Leeds with my brother. On Saturday I'm dropping into London to visit the Grace exhibition and hopefully the church.co.uk exhibition too.
Good stuff I've read during the last week: Jonny's gracelent post called a desert planet; Chris Eerdman's post called Six Convictions and Practices for Leading Missional Innovation and Brodie's All About Me Worship post.
I heard today that Sam Wells, who recently published a fantastic book called <em>Improvisation</em> on Christian ethics, is going to the new dean at Duke University.